Monday 10 January 2011

WikiLeaks Twitter Paranoia

In the midst of the WikiLeaks hosting saga, it was only natural that I should start following WikiLeaks on Twitter. I remember saying at the time, "I'm probably on some government list now."

I wasn't far wrong:

This stems from a DoJ court order compelling Twitter to reveal information about some of its users. The slight paranoia blog provides a good analysis of the order.

The peculiar thing is that the list of WikiLeaks followers is already public information. And just how useful is this list, anyway? WikiLeaks' Twitter stream is not protected, so anybody can ostensibly "follow" its contents without explicitly following it on Twitter, or even needing a Twitter account.

Essentially, anyone can see what is being tweeted by WikiLeaks, simply by browsing to Twitter won't be able to identify people who access this page through an anonymising proxy, so of course, the DoJ won't even know about those followers.


  1. Every Twitter account has an RSS feed associated with it too. But it doesn't look like the US DoJ is the most tech-savvy of institutions.

  2. The court order is a step too far in terms of communication privacy. We must protect ourselves from unlawful surveillance, which is why I am grateful for services like communication assignment help that provide a safe and secure platform for users to express themselves without fear of being monitored.

  3. The availability of the list of WikiLeaks followers as public information is a notable point. However, it raises the question of its usefulness. Since WikiLeaks' Twitter stream is public and not protected, anyone can access its content without officially following it or having a Twitter account. This diminishes the importance of the list as it does not provide exclusive access to the information already available to the public. Nonetheless, the topic of Master Thesis Topics in Management could explore the effectiveness of social media strategies and the significance of follower lists in organizational communication and engagement.

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  5. It's a thought-provoking situation. In the digital age, privacy can sometimes feel like a fragile concept. Thanks for sharing this insightful perspective on the WikiLeaks Twitter saga.

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  7. The irony of government surveillance revealed in this blog highlights the curious situation where the Department of Justice seeks Twitter user data of WikiLeaks followers, even though the list is publicly accessible. The intricacies of online privacy and the limitations of such orders come into sharp focus.

  8. Intriguing insights into the WikiLeaks Twitter saga! The intersection of government orders, user privacy, and the paradox of public information raises questions about the true impact of social media surveillance in today's digital age.

  9. This is the result of a Department of Justice court order ordering Twitter to provide information about some of its users. The sequence is well-analyzed in the slight paranoia blog.
    The odd thing is that the list of Wikileaks supporters is already public knowledge. And, in any case, how valuable is this list? Because Wikileaks' Twitter stream is not password-protected, anyone can ostensibly "follow" its posts without having to expressly follow it on Twitter or even having a Twitter account.Thank you for sharing your knowledge! Keep up the good job! Continue to spread the word. Please take a peek at my website.

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  11. As someone who has been through the rigors of **Dissertation Writing in the UK**, I find this situation intriguing. The DoJ's order seems like an overreach, considering that WikiLeaks' Twitter stream is public. It's like trying to identify every person who has ever visited a public library. The anonymity of the internet, much like the confidentiality of our dissertations, remains a bastion of privacy in an increasingly transparent world.

  12. As someone who has benefited from **affordable dissertation help**, I find this situation intriguing. The DoJ's order seems redundant given that WikiLeaks' follower list is public. Moreover, anyone can view their tweets without a Twitter account. It's like trying to unmask people in a crowd where everyone is already visible. It's a peculiar scenario, indeed.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

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